The holiday wine season is upon us,
and the pace can be hectic.

Here are three quick ways to increase sales in time to make a difference.

Refresh your home page to prominently
display your offer above the fold.

Many wineries leave their homepage unchanged throughout the year and bury their most relevant products and offers on a subsection of their site.

Everyone is busy –

make it easier for prospective customers to see what is likely most relevant to them. This time of year it is no secret that it’s time for pairing wines with special holiday meals and gift buying.
Reduce the number of clicks they need to make to add key items to their cart, and if possible, sweeten the deal to encourage them to do so now vs. later.
Each click you eliminate on the journey can increase checkout rates by double digits.

The holidays can be stressful with travel and planning special get-togethers.

Use the opportunity to add value to your customer relationship with timely communications about purchasing cut-off dates, and if possible, provide up-to-the-minute shipment tracking via text and email.

Create a  series of emails to your customer list
with a few reminders along the way.

This will help build your relationship by providing valuable shopping information ahead of holidays.

Set up automatic shipment notifications
with email and preferable SMS if possible.

If you are a smaller winery and don’t have these capabilities, a manual email can suffice.

If you’d like a bit of help with these or any other marketing activities as you navigate OND,
we are happy to help. 

Free Consultation